Friday, November 26, 2010

Thank you Jesus

As I am updating my blog background and song I start to hear yelling and arguing going on outside of my neighborhood. It was kind of scary because it sounded like a bunch of guys about to get in a fight and maybe even start shooting (I don't live in a bad neighborhood so this is odd). So I turn the TV down and start to listen, then I go to look for my dad who cannot be found in the house ( I thought he was taking a dump). I find my dad and my brother next to the window listening to the whole thing in complete silence. Haha, so funny to see. But then I start listening and start thinking how blessed I am in life to have a family that loves me and doesn't have hate or anger in their lives. I could have been born into an under priveleged family that is full of hate and anger but God gave me a loving family that encourages opportunities. I also started thinking how one thing leads to another. Even though you may not be a drug addict whose life is going downhill, it could start to by just one sin. God has saved us from all that and given us hope. When you start to want all of the shiny things of this world think of all the crap that comes with it.

I also praise God for my dad not being like that as much anymore. My dad used to get beaten when he was a kid and I know that he has a lot of emotional damage from that, so he loses his anger very quickly. I got verbally abused by my dad when I was younger. I know that "verbally abused" is me trying to be technical about what happened, but that is it. It never got to the point of physical abuse (close but never happened). My dad has gotten a lot better (thanks to God) and I am really proud of the progress he has made.

Listen to Sing a joyful noise

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I is nervous

This week is Thanksgiving break and....I am home for about 4-5 days. I am nervous that I am going to fall into my lazy comfort zone and not "live" for Christ everyday like I would at school. I really pray that I can stay consistent in the word and not fall to any temptation while I am home. (this will also be a preview/practice for Christmas break).

Lord, give me strength and let my eyes stay focused on you and all you have done for me.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Who's who in the cast:

Keith DiRienzo (Hercules)

All the praise and glory goes to my heavenly father. God has given me the gifts and abilities to be on stage and I just want to thank him so much for giving me my passion for the arts. Enjoy the show!

This is what my bio description will be for the next show I do. I have come to a point where I just want to give full honor and glory to God with everything that I do, first - theatre. I have heard of athletes who use their sport as a platform for their faith....that is what I want to do with acting!!

So now I just need to start praying for theatre opportunities and time to do shows. =)

Oh and I was a little ambitious by putting "Hercules" as my character. Yeah, I have a big dream that Hercules will become a Broadway show some day and that I get the lead, and....that all the songs are magically in my vocal range. lol

Thursday, November 18, 2010

More cool vids and all that jazz

the reason for part of the title is because I just got done watching Chicago. :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

You make beautiful things and never fade

a little excerpt from my night at church :)

Psalm 37

1 Don't worry about the wicked
or envy those who do wrong.
2 For like grass, they soon fade away.
Like spring flowers, they soon wither.

3 Trust in the Lord and do good.
Then you will live safely in the land
and prosper.
4 Take delight in the Lord,
and he will give you your heart's

5 Commit everything you do to the Lord.
Trust him, and he will help you.
6 He will make your innocence radiate like
the dawn,
and the justice of your cause will shine
like the noonday sun.

7 Be still in the presence of the Lord,
and wait patiently for him to act.
Don't worry about evil people who
or fret about their wicked schemes.

8 Stop being angry!
Turn from your rage!
Do not lose your temper-
it only leads to harm.
9 For the wicked will be destroyed,
but those who trust in the Lord will
possess the land.


23 The Lord directs the steps of the godly.
He delights in every detail of their lives.
24 Though they stumble, they will never fall,
for the Lord holds them by the hand.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Concrete jungle where dreams are made of...

So, last night I was praying to God for some sort of opportunity to arise that deals with minsitry and hopefully kids/theatre. Well...this morning our bible class had a special speaker: R.C. Hagans. He works for "ChildCry" which is a ministry of Times Square Church. So I got to talking to him and he said that he moved from Alabama (i think) to NYC and he lives in Harlem/North Upper West Side area. Here is the real kicker - Time Square Church is in the biggest and on of the oldest broadway theatre in NYC. Holy crap on a stick. Keith, could you ask for a more cool thing in the world? Church in a broadway theatre?

It was just cool to here him talk about all this stuff (mission trip to India, his church). And I give all the praise and glory to God for putting me in that room today. I got his contact info and he said if we are ever in the city he would give us a little "tour" of the church when no one is in it. Yesssss. So stoked especially because I will be taking a trip to NYC after I graduate from college! and....eventually move there in a couple years!!

Oh and I got a zip hoodie today for free too.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

My passion is to bring you glory

Okay, here's the deal: I love performing. God has blessed with the talent, ability and personality to perform on stage in front of a live audience. I have always known this and really kicked up a notch after high school. I did show after show, gig after gig. It was great and I really started to master my own level of performance level and being comfortable on stage. However, when I started USF I kind of had to stop because I don't have time for it anymore at a university level of education. Also, this whole "break" from performing did come at a good time because it kind of became an idol in my life, so it was good to put in on the back burner and focus on my relationship with God.

But now, I miss it. Everytime I go see a show, I think "oh jeez, here come the water works" because I wish I was up on stage with them singing and dancing. And....I am always usually working with kids all the time, once again ever since I started USF, I just kind of stopped. I miss that too. The kids kind of keep me in check. I miss teaching kids and encouraging them about the bible. I miss teaching kids with two left feet how to dance and act on stage. I miss it - my passion.

I wish that I could just combine all of these things into a big volunteer opportunity like: direct a dance show at a church in a christian based environment for children. This would be perfect! I get to work with kids. I get to come up with choreography. I get to encourage kids in their walk with Christ. That would be awesome. I really need to start praying for an opportunity like this in my life. I would bring all glory and honor to God. I know that now. Before, I will admit that performing was an idol in my life and I liked the praise from the audience after a performance. I thrived on the clapping to my star power. Well, screw that - I now realize that God could have made me deaf, dumb and blind - but no....he gave me this beautiful, artistic, creative talent and personality and I can use it to bring glory to His name. Let's do this. In the "who's who in the cast" section of the program, I am going to put a big thank you to my heavenly father instead of boasting about what shows I have done. =)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Party cause you're in college

This blog post will be about a subject that has been on my mind lately: partying.

Okay, here's the deal: I completely understand why people party so much in college. I know exactly how they feel. This thursday one of my roommates went home and then the other was out for the night. I hate being at the apartment home alone. Sometimes when I am there all by myself, I won't even go up stairs, I just stay in my room until I fall asleep. So I was home alone. I realize that having the apartment to myself is the perfect time to be quiet and spend some time in the word, but it was too quiet - creepy in fact. So what do I do - go out! I went to a car show with some friends for like a half hour and it was really lame. So, then I was like what now? Go out after that. I went out with some friends to the bull for the night. I really didn't even feel like going out but I had nothing else to do.

When you are in college and it is the weekend, what do you do? party. Seriously, sometimes it feels like there is nothing else to do. You are not going to to do your homework. All of your other friends are partying. You can't spend time with your family because you are off at college. You don't want to stay at your two-story apartment alone and watch a movie. So - you party.

oh and one more is the biggest distraction. I don't recommend it but if you want to put something in your life on the back burner that you are trying to avoid dealing with (your relationship with God, a break up with girlfriend/boyfriend, school, family, friends, being lonely, being single, your life in general) then....go out and party you will forget your troubles I promise. The only thing is you better keep on doing it because you will run into your problems sooner or later. Partying only provides temporary happiness, distraction and the "high" you get from going out.

This thursday I found myself in a pre-dicament (I don't know how you spell that word). But I found that I wasn't going out to have fun anymore, it was becoming a lifestyle. It was just something to do to distract me from boredom. That is when you run into a problem. When you go out with your friends every so often to have fun that is great. But when it starts becoming a weekly thing, that is when it starts. Then the next thing you know, you are going out every night = lifestyle. Which also gets you what you want - a big distraction in your life from something. You may not even know what you are trying to stay away from but when you don't go out for fun anymore and you just go out to "forget your troubles" you have entered the party lifestyle my friend. Congrats. I hope you get what you want.

Monday, November 1, 2010

It's a me, Mario!

So, everyone fall semester I throw a huge party at my house. In highschool, every year for my birthday all my friends would just come over and act a fool. Then when I got into college I had a huge party over the summer for freshman year.

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Freshman year

Then I had a toga party at my house to welcome in the new freshman that just moved up from high school.

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Sophomore year: "Freshman Toga"

Then last year I had a halloween party. My first time throwing a halloween party! :)

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Junior year: "Monster Mash Mixer"

Then this year I had another halloween party! Probably one of my most favorite yet (besides the toga party) because it was a mario themed party! So much fun! and I got to be Luigi!

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Senior year: "Super Mario Bros. Halloween Bash"

Every year, I try and throw a huge party towards the beginning of the school year just to kick things off and have everyone come together to bond. It is so much fun because we get to dress up and act a fool. Also, we all get to re-unite and see people that we haven't seen in forever. I just love doing this and one alcohol! It is so cool to see everyone come ever year and have a great time with no alcohol. Mission accomplished. See.....Christians are fun! especially my crew =)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Currently listening to...

It is 11:59pm on a Thursday night and I have fake tanning lotion on. I went to a Sushi place with some of the guys and tried a Saki-tini. i'm a fool. now I am listening to.....

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Epic fail?

So, I had bible study with a bunch of my guy friends at my apartment tonight. After they left my friend Scott called and told me that he thought his car was stolen but really it was towed (thank you to ON50 for not having a lot of guest spots). So, we figured out where it was and how much it costs and the whole bit.

Scott gets a ride back to his house with my friend Josh and then I was gonna go pick him up. Before I went to pick him up I got really excited. I have no idea why. Lately, I have been asking God to just use me as a servant in every opportunity and this may be one! I have a track record for ministering to people in the ghetto (which is where this towing place was). I updated my facebook, grabbed my camera and my bible and then I was out the door to give Scott a ride. It is funny that this all happened this week and at this time.

1. I have a huge test tomorrow that I need to study for
2. But I usually stay up late, so being out in the ghetto isn't hindering my sleep too much
3. I am on a "TV diet" (not watching TV shows/movies for a whole week) and I was wondering what I was gonna do after the guys TV - just go pick up my friends car that just got towed.

Sooo....needless to say that I was a little too excited and was ready for something spontaneous/be used by God. However, I felt bad for Scott who wasn't too excited because it cost a ton of money to get his car and we weren't sure if it was in the same condition.

I pick Scott up and we are on our way. He calls his girlfriend Whitney and she thought he was kidding about his car being towed. Nope. Then we talk about how we are just gonna witness these people to death when we get there. We stopped by the bank. Then we get to the most sketch place in the world...Automotive towing. All chained up and no one there to let us in. We call and figure out that the guy was gonna be there in like "10" minutes. So of course while we are waiting, we decide to look sketch ourselves and scope out the hood. It was pretty legit. Then we parked....and prayed with one eye open (while the doors were locked).

The guy finally gets there and lets us in the office. Our mission tonight was twofold: stay calm/have a positive attitude and witness to the tow people. So, before Scott pays we go check out his car. Looked alright from what we saw and then Scott asked me how we were gonna witness to them and I said that I wasn't sure and I was just praying about it.

We go in for Scott to pay and they just have death written on their faces. The cold shoulder. Not a pint of happiness. It was like give me your money and get out of here, when really we should have been the death face people because we had to come all the way here to get a car that YOU TOWED! So, it isn't looking good ministry wise. Scott talked to them a little about why he got towed ( to try and start a conversation) but nothing really sparked. After Scott pays I said "Have a blessed night" to the one girl. She said thanks. I thought it might help because it worked last night with the lady at taco bell and I got free cinammon twists. haha.

We walk to get Scott's car out of the place and we were both just kind of like....well we didn't witness. We failed. How do you witness to someone like that? They just were not interested at all. Then we left and called it a night. what? We didn't witness...sorry God?

The reason that I titled this blogpost "Epic fail?" is because yes I "feel" like we failed to complete our mission but we really didn't. God provided us with an opportunity - to take baby steps, to learn, to try, to be positive, to bring glory to His name, and to overcome trials. Did we stay calm and have a positive attitude? Yes we did. That right there is being a servant of God. Doing His will. Did we lead someone to Christ? No, we didn't. Did we witness at all?.....maybe.....from what it looks like to us - we did not witness at all. But how do we really know? Do we know what was in that person's heart? or what they thought of us? No. We could have made a HUGE impact on them and not even known it by not cussing them out and trying to fight the bill that Scott had to pay.
Just because you necessarily didn't lead someone to Christ doesn't mean you failed. It is all in God's plan. It was a baby step...for us and for the people. It may not have been the right time in their lives to even hear the gospel. Their hearts may not have been ready. You can't change someone's heart, only God and the work of the Holy Spirit. These people may come to know Christ 20 years from now. Who knows. Just pray that God's will shall be done.
Fail? No. Things did get accomplished especially us being servant's for God to use us however he wants and to learn that it takes one step at a time for everything.

Friday, October 22, 2010

In love with my Creator

It is 12:38am as I write this blog. And I am listening to the acoustic version of "Up and Up" by one of my favorite bands, Relient K. Today, I just thought about how awesome God is and the He created this whole universe and all the abilities that I have, he gave me. The fact that I get to listen to my favorite band in my room is awesome. That fact that I am breathing is awesome. The fact that I have an amazing healthy body and nothing is wrong with me, is awesome. The fact that there is a redbox less than four minutes away from my house to rent a movie with my family, is awesome. The car I took to get there, is awesome.

Sometimes I think that I am this amazing person who has these "set of skills" that I have acquired. If you talk to me, I joke a lot about myself in an arrogent way but I realized that even though I joke about it, some of it is true. For example, I think about how I love to go on stage and perform. I am not the one who is the amazing talented person that can dance or act, God gave me those abilities and he can take them away. My passion for performing, I really need to start using for God's glory and that alone. Not for my own selfish praise and glory (which is what most performers are taught to acquire).

This whole blog post just kind of sprang up out of no where. But last night I was at Howl-O-Scream with some of my friends. We went in this one haunted house that was just like death. It was called "Taste of Blood" and it had dead bodies, blood and "evil spirits" everywhere. There was just darkness all over and in the middle of it you come to this guy who is the "ruler" of the house and he is on like this high pedestal kind of thing and he says "I have your souls for eternity...muahhahaha". All of this sounds cheesy but I am going to make a point, I promise. That haunted house reminded me of what it would be like to be in hell for eternity. It would be like 20 billion times worse. Just death and darkness all over and no way out. Just think light, hope or love ever. Just satan and a eternal pit of darkness, forever. And people are going go there. The path to hell is broader than heaven. Which is sad but true. God has only called on His children. I am so grateful that I am one of His children. I really want to be a servant to God and obey His will for my life, because it is the only way. All other ways lead to death and destruction.

I think that some people think that living a life without Christ isn't so bad. And you may be right...for a temporary moment. You have to realize that one thing leads to another. Gossip turns into hate, which turns into fighting, which turns into murder, which turns into death. That is an extreme example. Don't think you can withstand death and destruction. Yes, we live in the civilized country of America but what happens when we are no longer free? When things start to get serious. When you start to realize what is important in life. When all of the superficial distractions and partying, and relying on yourself are gone. What do you have left? I would hate to rely on myself a mere human, to be in control of my life. My selfish desires and human nature will drive myself into destrution. I would rather rely on higher spiritual power, the creator of the universe, the prince of peace, our God who loves us so dear and is always there for us. Forever....he will never fade. He is the only thing that is eternal and he wants us to join Him in the Kingdom of Heaven. I need to stop keeping my faith a secret and start telling more people about Christ. I don't want anyone to experience that haunted house for eternity, that would break my heart.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ask for opportunities

So, tonight in our Romans group bible study we talked about a lot of cool stuff. One thing that came up was asking God to have opportunities to be used as a servant for Him through out the day. I usually just say to God that I am here to be used for your Kingdom today and if you place an opportunity in front of me I will be used by the Holy Spirit. Well, I told my group of guys how I will say that to go God sometimes in the morning(which I did this morning). After bible study was over I got to be used by God in my own apartment at 1:00am. Even though it was just me encouraging my roommate, I still got to share a lot of wisdom with him that God can give us.

Kind of cool. Can't wait for tomorrow :)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Lose the tude dude

So, I just came back from an event at school with some of the Greek organizations on campus. When I was there I didn't have the best attitude (cause I thought the event was really lame) but I was just judging everyone and not being a Christlike example. Sometimes, I think that we all get caught up in our own little world and think that our views are the only correct ones. I need to make sure that I don't get too comfortable with my own little group of friends (or the same type of people) that I forget there are so many different types of people out there that dress different, listen to different music, and maybe have a different sense of humor. Usually I am really good at being interested in people other than my own little norm, but tonight I just failed at having a positive attitude toward them. Now, I am not saying that I need to go make friends with all of these multicultural people and then blow off some of my best friends. No, that is what I don't want to do. Right now I am working on strenghtening the relationships with my friends that I currently have while being warm and welcoming to everyone that I come across paths with (not just in my own litte "church" setting).

I just don't want to be someone with an attitude that gives you skank looks, not cool dude!

Friday, September 24, 2010

You're a social superficial fool

So I have noticed that I am becoming less superficial (which is a really good thing) and less into my social life which is something that I have blogged about before. One thing that I learned after years of being superficial and a very social person is that you are always going to be pushing the limit.

Hear me out:
Say you are really into the way you look and try to be more hot and attractive at this party then at the last one. You are just going to keep doing that an obsessing about your outer appearance and how people perceive you. It will be a never ending battle and you will never be satisfied. I am not saying to not care about how you look because I am the kind of person who wants to look better and better as I go on in life...but in a way that is like "Keith, you look good and very happy." Not like wow you look like you have been working clothes?.....that is the superficial response that I don't want. Another thing with someone who has a huge social life. You are just going to keep living for the party. You are just going to keep pushing the limits of how many times you can get noticed by people, talked trash about, tagged in a facebook pic and how many "friends" you have. I put "friends" in quotes because I think our generation has lost the definition of that term somewhere.

Just some things to think about. I know that I used to/still am concerned about the way I look but I am trying not to be so superficial about things. One of the things about being superficial is that it is one of those things that isn't really a sin but holds you back so much. Most of the people that look put together with their clothes and hair are probably really superficial (not to judge but this is coming from someone who is always "put together").

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Call me back

I recently am having some doubts about one of my friends. This person is just not being a good friend, not being there for me and not putting in there 50%. One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone doesn't call or text me back, especially when I am your friend. It just makes me feel like I am not that important in your life. and I understand the occasional mis-hap but when I start to notice that you are ignoring me is when I start losing trust/faith in you as a friend (my trust has been battered by friends a couple of times.) I try to be nice and make sure I am there for my friends all the time, I have learned not to be so nice because you won't always get it back.

Then of course I start to think "Have I done this to someone?" and the answer is yes. I have and I definitely need to apologize when the time is right. Another person that I have done this to is God...multiple times. I turn my back on God or just don't even give him the time of day. It is kind of like that movie Fireproof. I think that this was a good wake up call to relate this to my relationship with God. He is my best friend, my savior, the creator of the universe, everything! So, yeah I will be working on that.

As for my friend, I am not currently talking to this person, because I don't think this person wants to talk to me. And I am just going to wait it out and hopefully receive an apology (another pet peeve - when people don't own up to their mistakes and/or not apologize....grow some balls!). However, with all that said, I still have to show them Christ's love and pray for them.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Buckle down

Okay, so my first test of the semester is this wed! I keep saying how this semester is so easy(academically) but this will determine it for real!!

The only reason for this post is just to remind myself that tomorrow when I start to study for it - to buckle down and get to business! k thx

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

You got a mouth, shut it

So, most of my friends that know me, know that I have a way with words. I talk too much. I have learned how to tone it down over the years but I still slip up everyone once an a while. And usually it is me trying to be funny and in front of non-believers. There is this verse:

"If you keep your mouth shut, you will stay out of trouble."
Proverbs 21:23

The reason I titled this blog entry "You got a mouth, shut it" is because of my grandma(Nana). I get my quick wit and personality from a combination of family members, but mainly from her. She always told me to be aggressive, go for what I want and don't be a pushover(in a good way). She would always tell me: You got a mouth, use it. Like if I wanted to talk to someone about something, she would always encourage me and tell me that it doesn't hurt to ask and God gave you a mouth for a reason. Well that is a double edge sword!

But I try to watch myself. I just need to channel all that energy into soemthing positive for the Lord, like being warm, friendly and welcoming to the visitors at our church ministry.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Throw your mirror down fool!

I am a selfish person. Period. The end. I try not to be in any way, shape or form. but it just keeps happening like human nature. Not too mention that I am way too into myself! Once again, I try not to be as much but it is so hard sometimes with our generation that is all about me, me, me! One thing about me that I have known is that I am an attention whore. I just am, I love being the life of the party and having attention on me - I will admit it. but I just need to watch that I don't let that get out of control, which I never really have but I have a lot of self control when it comes to that. I dunno, I feel like my personality as a fun and energetic person gets in the way of me growing as a Christian. Have a fun and energetic personality is great and all but that is mostly for social settings. I really need to calm it down and direct that energy for the kingdom of Heaven, which I am in the process of doing right now.

Okay, let's talk about the devil in disguise - facebook! Ugh, how I hate thee. Another thing that you should know about me is that I am the biggest superficial freak in the world that cares about too much about what I look like and what clothes I am wearing. Once again, my personality gets in the way(not that I am blaming it on that) but if I had a less vibrant personality that was less creative then I wouldn't spend so much time thinking of cool ways to match my outfit. With all that said - I hate facebook. It should be called "All I really care about is my profile and no one elses." See, I have always wanted to be in front of the camera. Ever since I was litte. I have wanted to be a film actor since I can remember and I have wanted to be a model since I was in highschool. But growing up and seeing how everyone thinks they are a model now a days and how we are becoming so self-absorbed...I could care less!! Which really makes me sad because I love photography and what it stands for (capture a moment in time...). But it has just gotten out of control. I don't mind taking some pictures of my friends birthday party every now and then but having pictures up on facebook after ever weekend of hanging out becomes a little self-indulgent.

So yeah, all this stuff that I just naturally love to do (compile clothes for outfits, be in front of a camera, be the life of the party)....I just need to watch all that and make sure it doesn't get in the way of me growing as a believer. :/

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Getting too comfortable?

So, it's been a while since I have posted a blog. Which isn't a good thing because when I post, it is usually a reflection of how my spiritual life is going (more blog posts = growing with the Holy Spirit). I dunno, kind of stinks but I do have good news!

I got to go on an amazing white water rafting trip with my church to Tennessee. Got to strengthen my friendship with some friends and meet some new people as well. It is so cool to go away for a weekend with some awesome friends and just relax and see God's beautiful creation. I have found that the people you surround yourself with are kind of the person that you become. I am okay with that because my friends are positive influences on me that want me to grow as a believer. Even this weekend I get to go away again!! to Orlando for Rock the Universe! I am so excited just to go have a blast. I hate concerts, theme parks and big crowds but I am going anyway! I am just excited to go and hang out with friends and create some memories.

With all that said, I need to make sure that I am not getting too "comfortable." Here I am with my "set" of friends at church. I am thankful that I have awesome strong christian friends to hang out with, however I don't want to neglect the fact that it is a ministry that welcomes in visitors non-stop. I need to make sure that when I walk into church that I don't just gravitate to my friends but that I look for the visitors who may be by themselves and make them feel welcome! I know that me and a lot of other people have felt like that at one time and it is nice when someone comes up to you and introduces themselves.

I really just need to work on not making my social life and idol that takes away from God's purpose and gifts that he has given me. I have done that before back home and I don't want to start that again. I have learned from my mistakes and I am ready not to make them again!! lol. =)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Camp Kulaqua '10

This past week I was at Camp Kulaqua in High Springs, FL! Every summer the middle school ministry out of First Baptist Church of Indian Rocks has a week long camp for 6-8th graders. It is so much fun but also a great opportunity to here about Christ and/or strengthen their relationship with Christ.

This was my 11th year at Camp Kulaqua but 4th year as a leader. I love being a leader every year. It is so much fun but as I have learned you start to get worn out by the end of the week. This first half of the week I am all happy and yelling at my kids to clean the cabin and what not. But by the end of the week I am just say
"Go do whatever you want, just don't kill yourself." haha.

This was the first year that me and my best friend Tim got to be cabin leaders together in the same cabin! We had a fairly rowdy bunch so it was good to have reinforcement with each other. Two of our kids accepted Christ as their savior which is AWESOME!

Okay, a couple funny moments of the week:
Me and Tim hid for mission impossible and if the kids found us they received a token. No one found us! We were literally sitting next to a tree in an open field! But apparently no one really found any of the leaders. I got to blob a bunch of kids this years! It was so cool because I felt like a real adult. Usually no one wants me to blob them because I am skinny, but this was my lucky year. And... our guys in our cabin were some of the best kids to blob. They went so high and would do flips and stuff. Well I have a mixture of water, ear wax and shavivng cream in my ear. That is a result of camp. We put a huge whole in one of the air games. And...the last night our kids wanted to play some game in the dark and I said that I didn't feel like it. One of my kids said that he would tackle me if I didn't play. So, he did. I had three kids on top of me and one of them was pinching my leg. Little did I know that the kid who tackled me was on the varsity wrestling team!

Anyway, I had a great time last week and I hope that our kids learned something about God this week that they can apply to their lives. =)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Probably one of the most amazing experiences...ever

As I type this blog it is 3:33AM(Monday)7/19/10.

So, I come home for the weekends during the summer. I have class, work, church and bible study during the week in Tampa. Sunday night is when I usually drive back to Tampa.

I got invited to go to someone's birthday party at church on Sunday night. My friends Jessie and Stacey told me that they would drive me. I actually wanted to drive myself because I still had to go to Tampa and didn't want to be out late. I was like whatever, I will just go back later than usual. So we go to the party and then some of us hang out afterwards and play a board game. We played til about 1am. And I still had to drive back to Tampa. This night was just a weird night and I knew that I was going to be tired in the morning for my class. I was even contemplating whether or not to have my quiet time with God or not when I got back to my apartment in Tampa.

So, I finally get on the road about 2:00am. When I get into Tampa(around 2:40am) I decided to get gas. I was going to go to where I usually go off of Bruce B. Downs, but I just went to the nearest one that I saw on Fowler. So, I get out of my car to go give the attendent inside some cash for my pump. I had some guy ask me for 75 cents. Right away I thought that I shouldn't be giving him cash because he may just use it to get drunk. But then I told him that I would. That was God's 75 cents - not mine. I prayed that God would use that 75 cents in some way, shape or form to further the Kingdom of Heaven. I also prayed for the man. So, after I pay the cashier I come out to pump my gas. A different guy asked me if I knew where "30th St." was. I said that I really didn't know my way around here really well. But I figured that it had to be before 50th St. which is where I live. So, he is talking to me about how he hasn't slept for days, he is on drugs and he really needs to get to a hospital. Then he straight up asked me for a ride. He said that it wouldn't take long and I could drop him off on the side of the road. He seemed so sincere and truthful. He even offered to show me his I.D. He could see that I was sympathizing and thinking about it. I was just telling God that if I am supposed to take this man to the hospital that I will. It was only by God's strength that I did this. I also asked God for safety so that this guy wouldn't kill me or something. So, I decide to give this guy a ride. Keep in mind that it is 2:45am on Fowler Ave. in Tampa.

So, I know that this whole entire thing that was going on was all from God. I knew that I was going to be presenting the gospel to this man before he got out of my car. Even that morning at church, the message was on exactly how to present the gospel to someone. So, he introduced himself. His name was Mark Davis. He was about 40 years old and didn't look good. He was sweating, shakey and had a blood shot eye. He asked me my name and then said "Thank you for giving me a ride." I said "Do you want to know why I am giving you a ride?" He said "Why?" and I replied "Because of the love of Jesus Christ." So usually if I witness to someone, I will kind of lead it in with a "So, do you go to church anywhere?" but this time, I wasn't fooling around...I just went straight in for the kill. I knew this guy needed help and the Holy Spirit just gave me the balls to say it. It was probably one of the first things that I said to him.

We are driving along and I asked him "Do you have any spiritual beliefs?" He tells me that he knows about God and how he went to church and school when he was young. He said that he was is far astray from God. However, he said that when he was in school he memorized scripture - he even started to quote scripture right then and there! Mark didn't need any encouragement to talk, he was definitely going a mile a minute about everything! His whole life - and I was just patiently listening. He was telling me how he has not shut his eyes since Friday because he is on crystal meth. He said that he walked to Fowler from Busch Gardens. In his life, he hasn't gotten involved with cocaine, dealing, alcohol and homosexuality. And as soon as he said homosexuality - I got a little creeped out. But after being creeped out for about a nano second I realized that he is a child of God and God gave me strength to realize how safe I am talking to Mark because God was in my car with us. I was so amazed how calm I was talking to a random homosexual on drugs that I was giving a ride to the hospital at 2:45 in the morning.

Anyway, he asked if we could make a pit stop at another gas station and I said sure. So, we stop and we both go inside. On my way out, I had a women ask me if I had any money for her to get gas. I said "No, I am sorry." I go in my car and realize that I didn't use the full $25 to fill up, I had about $3 in change. So, I take the money and said "Here you go hun." She was sitting in the passenger seat of an SUV. She said thank you and I said "God Bless." Once again, not my money - God's money. And I prayed for that situation too.

So we get back in the car and Mark just started gabbing away - but in a good way. He was so lonely that he just needed someone to talk to. I told him that God is always there and will never leave him feeling alone - you can always turn to God.

We finally get to the hospital. I pull in a spot with my windows down and I just leave the car running. We are just talking for a little bit. He is telling me how he is just constantly turning his back on God and how he has dug such a deep hole of sin in his life (drugs, bad music, homosexuality). I told him that you can always turn to God for forgiveness, it doesn't matter what you have done - he will wash away your sin and make you clean. Mark told me that he was with a man recently who he thinks had H.I.V. Then he tells me that he may have it. At this point, I realized how much this man really needed God. He asked me if God could perform a miracle and make him H.I.V. negative. I said that God is all powerful and can do anything, if that is his will. He also told me that he has been wanting to committ suicide for a couple of weeks now. This is when I realized that I am potentially helping someone not got to hell by giving them hope. So as this is all going on I kept telling myself that he is not leaving my car until I pray with him. Not to accept Christ but just to pray for him. Sometimes when I talk to people about Christ I "plant a seed" well this time I planted a freakin bulb and fertilized it with miracle grow. So, I keep thinking "Okay, let's pray now!" and then Mark says "And before I go, I want you to pray for me." Holy crap - this guy is crazy!(in a really good way) So I was more than happy to pray for him!

We pray together and I asked God just to give Mark strength and for Mark to seek God's strength in every trial that comes his way. Then I asked Mark if he had a bible. He said not with him. I said "Would you like one?" His eyes lit up like crazy, he said "Really? You have one with you?" So, I pull out a pocket bible that I had in my console and write his name in it. My name was already in it but I put my phone number. He asked if he could call me and tell me how he was doing. I said yes and that I would be praying for him.

One of the things that I have always wanted to do was pull an all-nighter and I never that it would potentially happen with a druggie off of the side of the road at a hospital. So, he is getting ready to leave and he thought he lost his wallet. He starts flipping out and getting really nervous. Then I calmly said "Did you check all your pockets?" Realize that by now, Mark has taken his necklace off, he has taken his shirt off and used it as a rag to wipe the sweat off of his forehead. He stops franticly searching for his wallet and checks one of his pockets. He found it. I explained that even something like that can be a trial and that we all need to seek God's strength.

He starts to leave and one of the last things that I said to Mark was "Mark, have faith in God." He said thanks a billion times and then was on his way to go in the hospital.

I started to drive away. I was absolutely speechless. I just kept saying wow. Not even that fact that this guy's life was so broken but just how God lines everything up. I thought about the events that happened that day. How if some things didn't happen I would have never met that man. I went to someone's birthday party and my friends drove which caused me to stay out late. I stopped at a gas station that I never stop at. I didn't used all of my $25 and had $3 to give to that lady. I randomly had a pocket bible in my car. The sermon this morning was about presenting the gospel. God knew that I would be presenting the message to Mark even before my mom or dad were born - that is how amazing God is!

It is funny because the whole night I was thinking "Okay, Keith - you are dumb! You are going to get back to Tampa so late and you have class in the morning." With all of that and just being nervous about picking someone up off the side of the road - it was all worth it if someone else can enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

The cool thing about this experience is that usually I feel nervous about going up to talk to someone about Christ and I may not even go up to them. With this situation, I was put on the spot by this guy for a ride while I was pumping gas. This man literally watched me become convicted by the Holy Spirit to give him a ride. I didn't pursue this man - he pursued me. By God's strength, I embraced the opportunity and encouraged this man to break free from his sin and give up his life to Christ.

Friday, July 9, 2010

All the pretty things

"All the pretty things" by Tenth Avenue North.

This song kind of says what I am going through right now and what I think a lot of christians in America go through.

There are so many things in this world and in our country that can just keep us from our relationship with God. At the time they might seem like cool things to do or keep our energy focused on but it really just takes our focus off of God's glory and more on man-made things.

The things that I am talking about are like clothes, physical attractiveness, worshipping false idols(people on TV), false teachings, judging others, attention on ourselves. I mean it really comes down to - pick your weakness. The ones I just listed randomly came to my mind but there are so many things in all of our lives that just keep us from God. They maybe things that we don't want to give up to God but we need to. God wants to strip us of all that crap and just be the human being that God created.

It may take a lot of spiritual warfare to get to where you need to be but includes a lot battle fighting with the enemy. My weapons of the spirit that I recommend using are: truth, God's rightousness, peace, faith, love and the Word of God.

I just rambled...but a random thought.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

It's been a while...

It has been a while since I have written a post.

I recently went on an adventure trip called "Slammed" with a ministry called Going the Distance ( This trip was a complete blessing from God which I now realize. This summer isn't really anything extravagant but this trip really made it the time of my life. My friend Tiffany said she was going on it and then my best friend Tim won a free trip with GTD, so then I figured I had to go or I was going to be missing out! Then we got two of our other friends to come also and it was all very last minute. I thank God and my parents for the finances because I know that I didn't have the money to go on the trip.

Anyway, we went to Chattahoochee National Forest in Georgia and camped there for 4 days. We tubed the Hooch (the chattahoochee river), rock climbed and repelled 7 stories, hiked and went down sliding rock. It was so much fun and there was a lot of adventure. It is weird because I am not a very adventurous person or much of a camper but I had so much fun! Everyone just kind of did everything without thinking twice. I am terrified of heights and I was so amazed that I actually rock climbed.

Okay, now God stuff. =)
My verse for this week is 2 Timothy 3:16
"All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straigtens us out and teaches us to do waht is right."
Paul is giving our shy friend Timothy some encouragement in this verse.
This verse kind of sums up the last couple years of my life. My senior year in highschool I was a very strongwilled person and tried to be a good christian leader in my church and in my school. Then in college I kind of started learning things about myself and realizing that I am not some "superhuman" that can do it all. Well this verse tells us basically that if you keep reading God's word you will find the flaws in your life you may not have known you had. Mine specifically would be selfishness, judging others, wanting attention(popularity)...blah blah.
It may take some sort of a "wake up" call for a christian to realize the things that are important in their lives. I think that once you have that wake up call and start to change, you will thank God that it happened.

Friday, June 4, 2010

God's amazingness

Lately, I have been having a lot of trials in my life. Daily things that I need God's strength to overcome. I don't know if God is just testing me or what. I think that because I have been growing closer to God, that satan has been putting temptation after tempation to hold me back. Which he kind of has. I don't want to do that anymore. I want to push forward and get stronger in Christ. I need to keep re-fueling on His Word, prayer, and worship. It is a lot harder than I thought and the only way to get through it or anything for that matter is...God.

I have a lot of friends that are on mission trips this summer. I feel like as their brother in Christ, that I need to pray for them while they are away. Which I have been and will continue to do. I thank God for all the blessings that he has given us to do his work. It is just awesome.


My hair is short, like a midget.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Hello, My name is Jessie and I might need a bandaid at the end of this.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Being obedient to God

So... basically everybody struggles with certain things that they know that they may need to work on to grow in their faith with Christ. Usually this all can revolve around obedience in some sense. Well, mine (I think) is sharing the good news about Christ to people. It is so weird because I used to tell people about Christ all the time but now it is harder. I think I am getting to the point in my faith where that is one of the things that I need to start doing.

I do a couple little things here and there(like tell my friends that I will pray for them - which I do). But I literally need to TELL PEOPLE ABOUT CHRIST and not beat around the bush. If I keep going to church, praying, worshipping and studying the bible - sooner or later I am going to be spewing the gospel out to everyone. Which is a goal of mine. I want to be like a "leading people to Christ" machine. Because that is what's most important - getting people to have a relationship with their creator and savior.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Worship is most important

Once again this post is about me slowly but surely realizing that God is the most important thing - ever. I need to be constantly in awe and thanks of Him and all he has done for us.

"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks."
John 4:23 NIV

God is seeking us to do his works and praise Him. That is the ultimate goal in our life - to further his Kingdom. Any other thoughts are basically of this world and will perish when your soul moves on to heaven. Earth is just a temporary place for our soul to live in a flesh body but our real home for eternity is in heaven. That is where you will really live - forever. So the things of this world just won't matter. Even the things that are "good" like getting an education, having a stable career or having a family. Yes, these things are good but I still need to focus on the one main thing - God.

Usually throughout the day I am pretty good and can focus my attention on Him, His works and what I need to do. But sometimes I slip and start having selfish desires like wanting to be a performer or thinking about the next social event that I am going to go to. I think those things are okay to think about but I can't let them consume me like they have in the past. Because selfish desires and our own ego can tear us apart from God.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


As I grow closer to God I am realizing what is important in life and....TV is not. Now, this is a weird thing for me to say because I love TV. I am an actor and eventually want to work for a television station, be a host or even write a sitcom. So this is a weird thing for me to say but I am realizing that it is dumb.

I can't watch the same things that I would normally. Mostly just because stuff is trash(like language and subject matter) but even the character's attitudes - it is all about me, me, me! And as a christian, it is completely opposite. It is about God and furthering his Kingdom. So I feel like I am just wasting time watching TV!

So, you can tell that I am growing in Christ because when I start to dislike one of my favorite TV shows - you know there is an issue. But this is all a good thing.

Don't get me wrong, I still love the classics and some select TV shows, but in general - nothing on TV is worth my time or will help me progress as a christian. I think the subject of television just hit home to me because that is a future career path, interest and all of the above - so it is weird giving up something of your interest for God.

Being away at college this past year really helped. We had a TV in my dorm and one in the common area but I never watched it. I realized this year how much I can live without it(only if there was Tivo, lol). I just moved into my new apartment and just today the cable guy asked me if I was going to have a TV in my room and I said no. I can live without one in my room. I will probably just watch movies on my laptop and it will be one less thing distracting me from God, praying or reading my bible.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Okay, so this is a list of questions about the bible or christianity in general. Some of them are questions that non-believers have asked when I am trying to witness to them and I don't know that answer. Then some of them are questions that I just don't know. Some are just dumb ya go -

If people never hear about Jesus(like people in China/Africa), do they go to hell?

How come we don't practice certain rituals like they do in the old testament?

The crucifixion is mentioned so many times in the bible, when did it actually happen? What book of the bible/chapter?

I don't believe in marriage, even the christian divorce rate is 50%

Who actually wrote the bible? And hasn't it been changed since it was written?

What is the deal with people speaking in tongues?

Why are there so many different denominations? and how did they come to be?

How is God 3-in-1? The holy trinity?

Can you lose your salvation?

How did Satan become Satan?

*How do I bring up the subject of God in a conversation with a non-christian?

I believe in God and all, but I don't recall a date that I accepted him into my life.

But I went to church when I was you and got baptized.

Why are there so many translations of the bible and is there a "best" one?

Why don't Baptists dance?

Okay, so what's the deal with pre-destination?

I don't get it, was Jesus Jewish? Did he have a Yamakuh?

What are the distinctive things that seperate Christianity from other religions? How do you know your right?

If we are saved by grace nowadays, how were people saved back in the days of the bible?

Why doesn't God just fight the devil?

Feel free to add comments, questions, concerns...whatever is helpful.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


So...I had a friend who asked me about wanting things in life. How we shouldn't settle for anything less(our purpose, a girl...etc). But what if our standards are too high?? What if we are "reaching" for the stars here? Well...I said that if you pray about what you want and it is something of God then give it time. Consistant prayer about what you want is what needs to happen here. Just keep praying. Talk about it with God. Is it something that will bring him Glory? I would say that with consistant prayer, God will bless you in his time and to his will. Being a christian is a selfless act. Everything is of God, our creator. So if he wants you to be a certain profession or be with a certain girl your whole life...HE will give that to you.

Luke 11:1-4
Once when Jesus had been out praying, one of the disciples came to him as he finished and said, "Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples."
He said, "This is how you should pray:
"Father, may your name be honored.
May your Kingdom come soon.
Give us our food day by day.
And forgive us our sins -
just as we forgive those who have sinned against us.
And don't let us yield to temptation."

This was the NLT version, so it may sound a little different.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

More translation

Hello Mackendy. I hope you will be able to read this in Creole. Thank you for keeping in contact with me. It is always nice to hear from you. I can't always talk on the phone because it costs a lot of money. Please tell Jeff, Guerson and everyone at the orphanage I said hello.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

My first blog

So, I have never used this before. We will see how it goes.

This one in particular I will be writing a letter to a guy named Jeff. I met Jeff in Haiti on a mission trip. He is apart of an orphanage. When we were there he came up to me and just kind of followed me around. He is really shy but a good kid. I miss him all the time. He wrote me a letter. So....I will be writing him a letter back and using this for part of the letter. So...this is a part of my letter to Jeff, my brother in Christ.

I am praying for you and always wonder what you are doing. On the way home from church today I felt sad and had to write you this letter. I don't know if you are able to write back but I do want you to know that I am thinking of you. I miss your smile and being with you. God put you in my life. Remember to always be with God, pray and keep him first in your life. An ocean of water may keep us apart but I will be re-united with you one day in heaven.

Your brother in Christ,

Hopefully, I will be able to translate this into Haitian Creole and send it to him.