Friday, November 12, 2010

Party cause you're in college

This blog post will be about a subject that has been on my mind lately: partying.

Okay, here's the deal: I completely understand why people party so much in college. I know exactly how they feel. This thursday one of my roommates went home and then the other was out for the night. I hate being at the apartment home alone. Sometimes when I am there all by myself, I won't even go up stairs, I just stay in my room until I fall asleep. So I was home alone. I realize that having the apartment to myself is the perfect time to be quiet and spend some time in the word, but it was too quiet - creepy in fact. So what do I do - go out! I went to a car show with some friends for like a half hour and it was really lame. So, then I was like what now? Go out after that. I went out with some friends to the bull for the night. I really didn't even feel like going out but I had nothing else to do.

When you are in college and it is the weekend, what do you do? party. Seriously, sometimes it feels like there is nothing else to do. You are not going to to do your homework. All of your other friends are partying. You can't spend time with your family because you are off at college. You don't want to stay at your two-story apartment alone and watch a movie. So - you party.

oh and one more is the biggest distraction. I don't recommend it but if you want to put something in your life on the back burner that you are trying to avoid dealing with (your relationship with God, a break up with girlfriend/boyfriend, school, family, friends, being lonely, being single, your life in general) then....go out and party you will forget your troubles I promise. The only thing is you better keep on doing it because you will run into your problems sooner or later. Partying only provides temporary happiness, distraction and the "high" you get from going out.

This thursday I found myself in a pre-dicament (I don't know how you spell that word). But I found that I wasn't going out to have fun anymore, it was becoming a lifestyle. It was just something to do to distract me from boredom. That is when you run into a problem. When you go out with your friends every so often to have fun that is great. But when it starts becoming a weekly thing, that is when it starts. Then the next thing you know, you are going out every night = lifestyle. Which also gets you what you want - a big distraction in your life from something. You may not even know what you are trying to stay away from but when you don't go out for fun anymore and you just go out to "forget your troubles" you have entered the party lifestyle my friend. Congrats. I hope you get what you want.

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