Monday, November 1, 2010

It's a me, Mario!

So, everyone fall semester I throw a huge party at my house. In highschool, every year for my birthday all my friends would just come over and act a fool. Then when I got into college I had a huge party over the summer for freshman year.

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Freshman year

Then I had a toga party at my house to welcome in the new freshman that just moved up from high school.

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Sophomore year: "Freshman Toga"

Then last year I had a halloween party. My first time throwing a halloween party! :)

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Junior year: "Monster Mash Mixer"

Then this year I had another halloween party! Probably one of my most favorite yet (besides the toga party) because it was a mario themed party! So much fun! and I got to be Luigi!

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Senior year: "Super Mario Bros. Halloween Bash"

Every year, I try and throw a huge party towards the beginning of the school year just to kick things off and have everyone come together to bond. It is so much fun because we get to dress up and act a fool. Also, we all get to re-unite and see people that we haven't seen in forever. I just love doing this and one alcohol! It is so cool to see everyone come ever year and have a great time with no alcohol. Mission accomplished. See.....Christians are fun! especially my crew =)

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