Friday, November 26, 2010

Thank you Jesus

As I am updating my blog background and song I start to hear yelling and arguing going on outside of my neighborhood. It was kind of scary because it sounded like a bunch of guys about to get in a fight and maybe even start shooting (I don't live in a bad neighborhood so this is odd). So I turn the TV down and start to listen, then I go to look for my dad who cannot be found in the house ( I thought he was taking a dump). I find my dad and my brother next to the window listening to the whole thing in complete silence. Haha, so funny to see. But then I start listening and start thinking how blessed I am in life to have a family that loves me and doesn't have hate or anger in their lives. I could have been born into an under priveleged family that is full of hate and anger but God gave me a loving family that encourages opportunities. I also started thinking how one thing leads to another. Even though you may not be a drug addict whose life is going downhill, it could start to by just one sin. God has saved us from all that and given us hope. When you start to want all of the shiny things of this world think of all the crap that comes with it.

I also praise God for my dad not being like that as much anymore. My dad used to get beaten when he was a kid and I know that he has a lot of emotional damage from that, so he loses his anger very quickly. I got verbally abused by my dad when I was younger. I know that "verbally abused" is me trying to be technical about what happened, but that is it. It never got to the point of physical abuse (close but never happened). My dad has gotten a lot better (thanks to God) and I am really proud of the progress he has made.

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