Friday, May 14, 2010

Worship is most important

Once again this post is about me slowly but surely realizing that God is the most important thing - ever. I need to be constantly in awe and thanks of Him and all he has done for us.

"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks."
John 4:23 NIV

God is seeking us to do his works and praise Him. That is the ultimate goal in our life - to further his Kingdom. Any other thoughts are basically of this world and will perish when your soul moves on to heaven. Earth is just a temporary place for our soul to live in a flesh body but our real home for eternity is in heaven. That is where you will really live - forever. So the things of this world just won't matter. Even the things that are "good" like getting an education, having a stable career or having a family. Yes, these things are good but I still need to focus on the one main thing - God.

Usually throughout the day I am pretty good and can focus my attention on Him, His works and what I need to do. But sometimes I slip and start having selfish desires like wanting to be a performer or thinking about the next social event that I am going to go to. I think those things are okay to think about but I can't let them consume me like they have in the past. Because selfish desires and our own ego can tear us apart from God.

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