Sunday, April 25, 2010


Okay, so this is a list of questions about the bible or christianity in general. Some of them are questions that non-believers have asked when I am trying to witness to them and I don't know that answer. Then some of them are questions that I just don't know. Some are just dumb ya go -

If people never hear about Jesus(like people in China/Africa), do they go to hell?

How come we don't practice certain rituals like they do in the old testament?

The crucifixion is mentioned so many times in the bible, when did it actually happen? What book of the bible/chapter?

I don't believe in marriage, even the christian divorce rate is 50%

Who actually wrote the bible? And hasn't it been changed since it was written?

What is the deal with people speaking in tongues?

Why are there so many different denominations? and how did they come to be?

How is God 3-in-1? The holy trinity?

Can you lose your salvation?

How did Satan become Satan?

*How do I bring up the subject of God in a conversation with a non-christian?

I believe in God and all, but I don't recall a date that I accepted him into my life.

But I went to church when I was you and got baptized.

Why are there so many translations of the bible and is there a "best" one?

Why don't Baptists dance?

Okay, so what's the deal with pre-destination?

I don't get it, was Jesus Jewish? Did he have a Yamakuh?

What are the distinctive things that seperate Christianity from other religions? How do you know your right?

If we are saved by grace nowadays, how were people saved back in the days of the bible?

Why doesn't God just fight the devil?

Feel free to add comments, questions, concerns...whatever is helpful.

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